
Sunday, February 19, 2012

It is 10 days since my last post and it has been a blur. So much happens in a day or even an hour. Some hours are loaded with things like taking washing out of the machine, getting a new load in, pegging clothes on the line, making the bed, washing the dishes, walking on my treadmill and jobs like that and then another hour might be taken up playing a game on my iPad or reading emails and checking out blogs but there never seems to be enough hours in the day no matter what I am doing.

I have not done any crafty stuff and to be honest I am finding it hard to get motivated enough to start a new layout. I decide to make a start but as soon as I walk into my scrap room I loose interest and suddenly find something that has to be done this minute or the world will come to an end.

I have had Mum staying with me for a couple of nights and three of my sisters that live elsewhere have been in town for Friday and Saturday so I have had a great time catching up with all of them. One of my sisters won a stake into the Texas Poker tournament that was held at the Casino on Saturday afternoon along with 2 nights accommodation at the Stamford. Unfortunately she did not win the tournament but had a good time playing. We all had dinner together at the Casino last night and a couple of sisters and Mum came with us to Legends Rock n Roll Club on Friday night

I went to my Photoshop course on Wednesday and felt completely overwhelmed. I could not log into the TAFE system and was behind the 8 ball for the whole lecture. Very frustrating. When I got home I printed the notes out and worked my way through them so didn't feel so bad after that. I am the oldest person in the class by about 40 years and sometimes I feel like a bit of a dinosaur. Then I just remind myself why I am doing the course and I feel OK again.

Cindy took Charli to Narnu Farm on Hindmarsh Island last weekend. She got to ride a pony, milk a cow and feed lots of farm animals. She loved it.

Off to start another week now.

Till next time
Thanks for dropping by

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