
Saturday, March 17, 2012

I know I know......almost a month since my last post. So much has happened that it would be too hard to try and catch it all up here.

I have been to Kangaroo Island for 5 days so have some great pics to share from that but have not got around to sorting them out yet.

I am off overseas in a few months and I had not started my album from the last time I was away in 2009 so I have decided that I must finish the album from my 2009 holiday before I go away on the 16th June.

I have made a start and have finished the front page.

The photo of the photo of the people has come out very dark. It is much better in real life. The 2 people on the left are friends of Anne and Wills that live in Zurich. We stayed with them for a few days here and there while we were in Zurich. I am standing between Anne & Will. I will be travelling with them again this year. Last time I was away from 15th April till 17th May. I will be away from 16th June to the 18th August this time. Twice as long. When I booked for this year I thought I was away for 6 weeks last time and thought I could probably handle an extra 2 weeks. When I checked and realised I was only away for 4 weeks I am now having serious doubts about weather I will last 8 weeks away from Ray, Daisy, Cindy, Charli and home. Ahhhhh well the booking has been made now so lets see what happens.

I will be back soon....promise
Till next time

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