
Sunday, March 25, 2012

A beautiful Sunday afternoon.... where do I start?

Thursday night we had our first dancing lesson with Sue for about 2 years. She had retired but has decided to come back for just one class a week so Ray & I were eager to get started again. It was fun seeing all the people we used to see on a regular basis again and of course our close dancing friends came too. The step she taught us was one to make us think very hard. No easing us into things lightly we had to jump in boots and all with a 16 step move.

Friday night we had a pretty quiet night, we thought we would go to the Dockside Tavern in Port Adelaide and see Jonny Starr. We had not seen either before. What an entertainment!!!!! I don't think we will be in a hurry to see either one again.

Saturday night we had dinner with the friends we are going to Cambodia/Vietnam with in October. There are 8 of us going and the rep from the travel company we are going with came and gave us a presentation on what we will see and answered all of our questions. He was very good and put our minds to rest about most things. When he left we had a Asian inspired 4 course meal. Wendy & Lindsay bought an Avocado Coriander dip which was absolutely beautiful. Brian & Gwen had bought along a chicken and vegetable asian soup, another beautiful dish, Deb & Andre made an asian salad and asian chicken skewers cooked on the BBQ, they just melted in your mouth, followed by a delicious lemon tart made by Brian. What a fantastic meal. I was charged with bringing some chocolate and I have to say there was nothing asian about the chocolate dipped strawberries and banana and the "Favourites" chocolates that I bought along.

Today Ray is DJ'ing at the All Clubs Rock and Roll Picnic at Vigara Winery. I was going to go along too as most of our friends were going but then I realised I would be leaving home at 8:45 and not getting back until approx. 6pm, that was just too long a day to spend there. I am disappointed I didn't go but I know that if I had to spend all that time there I would not have enjoyed it. I had a sleep in until 10:30, spent some time on the computer checking emails and then sorted through one of the cupboards in the walk-in robe, you know the one that hold t-shirts, cardigans, jumpers, pyjamas, scarves and all those bits and pieces. I must admit I did not venture to the top shelf where the handbags are kept, that will have to wait for another day. I had been thinking about doing that for some time and I started doing it this morning by accident but I am glad it is done now. The wheelie bin is full.

One of the things I had trouble deciding what to do with was my Canon EOS500 camera and 28 - 80mm lens and 75 - 300mm lens. I know they are not worth anything now but I paid over $1000 for the camera and one lens, the second lens was extra. I just have not got the heart to put it in the wheelie bin. If anyone knows of someone that would be able to make some use of it please let me know and I would be more than happy to give it to them.

I am going to do the washing tonight. I have been doing the washing at night since we got our solar panels as the power is then drawn from ETSA and all of the power we generate throughout the day is fed back into the grid. We get 52c per kwh feed back and pay about .27c per kwh for power used. We got our first power bill since having the panels put up the other day it was $23.50 credit and we had not had our duel meter working for the full 3 month period. It has been over the summer months thought when you would expect the best generation possibilities.

Here are a few photos from our trip to Kangaroo Island. I will share some more in my next post

This photo shows part of the walk from the car park to the beach at Stokes Bay

 This one is of a tractor that entertained Ray for a good 5 minutes at Snelling's Beach

The view from our accommodation's window on the first night.

That's it for this post. A very long one I know. I am off to do some Photoshop work towards my Assignments and Assessments before Ray gets home.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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