
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hi. I am just having a practice post using my iPad. I have downloaded some photos from my camera and I am now going to add a photo to this post, hopefully. I am posting a photo of Charli's curls taken at Pianorama on tuesday. What a procedure to get this photo on here. I have had to open an account at Photobucket and then paste the code into notes and then type it in here. A bit of a long winded process. There is no option to paste on the iPad in blogger that I can find. Am going to try a search on google today to see if I can find a better way. It looks like the photo will be at the end of the post, not sure how to move it, another thing to work out Anyway, hope this works, I am sure you will see me back here soon as I keep at this.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time
Cheers Julie

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