
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ray has just started a 2 week campagne at work for Vallia. He is starting at 5 and 6am and while he has only been doing it for 2 days it is already taking it's toll.

He is DJ'ing at the Adelaide Rock and Roll Club tonight and has to be up and ready to start work at 6pm tomorrow morning.

Because he was up at 4:30 this morning to start work at 5 he did not get any time to spend with Charli today, he needed to try and get a few hours sleep this afternoon before DJ'ing tonight. He is feeling pretty dejected and that he is missing out. He is not very happy at the moment. Can't say that I blame him, apart from the early hours he is doing a lot of manual work lugging things around and he is just not used to it.

Today is the first day for sometime that it has not rained. The washing I did on Sunday is finally dried, ironed and put away.

As you can see I have been messing around with my blog presentation but not going all that well. When I view my blog on my iPad the clocks do not show. I need to try and find out why and correct it but have not had time as yet. Maybe tomorrow. If anyone else has had this problem and knows how to fix it I would love to hear from you.

I have to take Daisy to the vet tomorrow for her annual immunisation so will give her a bath tomorrow morning. I don't like taking her for this injection because she is not well for a couple of days after it.

I have started work on the next page in my Switzerland album and hope to finish it tomorrow so will have something to share later in the week if all goes well.

I took Charli to Pianorama today. She is coming along nicely. I really enjoyed watching her play the piano. She certainly seems to enjoy it and she catches on very quickly. She had got a concert for Fairy Ballet on the 23rd June and a concert for Pianorama on the same day. 23rd June is also our 39th wedding aniversary and I will not be here for any of them. These will be the first of Charli's concerts I have not attended. I will be sorry to miss them.

This is a photo I took this morning while she was playing

That's it for tonight. Ray will be home soon and will want to be going straight to bed I guess ready for another big day tomorrow.

2 weeks to go..........

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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