
Friday, June 1, 2012

What a night!!! It started off so well, I had the greatest plans of doing a double layout for my Switzerland Album but thought before I do that I will just add some clocks to my blog so that I will know what time it is in Adelaide when I am in London and Zurich. What a fiasco....

Firstly I found some clocks that I liked and put them on my blog, then I thought I would like them to be a bit bigger so I deleted them all and put bigger ones in their place. Oh dear I couldn't tell if it was am or pm so go searching for clocks that show am or pm. Find them and decide to put them in at a bigger size again. Go ahead and do that to find they were too big so deleted them and re-installed slightly smaller ones....and here it is 10:25pm.

I had to go back to the old blogger interface to add the clocks because I could not see where to add them with the new interface. I guess when I get some of that "spare time" I will have to check it out. I was actually thinking I should have an update to my blog before I go anyway so will see if I can fit that in. I have noticed some of the blogs I have visited have created their own blog backgrounds, I would like to try that but don't know that it will be this time round.

I have had a cold all week and actually spent the day in bed on Monday. Still feeling pretty average but am getting on OK.

We have not been doing anything out of the ordinary. We did not go to dancing lessons last night as I did not think I could take it all in. We missed last week and I believe it was a pretty tricky step, the first weeks step we had not mastered and we will not be able to make next week because it has been changed to Tuesday and Ray is DJ'ing at the Adelaide Rock and Roll Club that night so we would miss the week and there is no lesson the following week then I will be away for 2 months so all in all the dancing lessons are a bit of a goner for me for a while.

I am going to be at Camelot tomorrow for my afternoon class, looking forward to it.

I am sharing some more of my old layouts as once again I have not had the opportunity to do any new ones. These layouts were created 3 or 4 years ago. Wow don't styles and trends change over time.

The count down and list checking for my holiday are continuing, 1st June today and I leave on the 18th so just over 2 weeks to go. Getting sooooo close. Can't wait.... although tonight I worked out just how long it will be between leaving here and arriving in London, 24 hours!!! OMG I will be very happy to get there. Even worse on the way home as it takes in 2 nights. Leave London at 10:30pm so no sleep that night, arrive KL and spent 5 hours there then back on the plane and overnight to Adelaide arriving at 7:20am....the things we do!! I will be like a bear with a sore head by the time I land..poor Ray

Till next time
Thanks for dropping by

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