
Thursday, July 12, 2012

A day in London today. I caught the train in and walked from the train station to Buckingham Palace through St Jamses Park. This was the view looking down the lake in the park
It was a bit cold walking there but while I was there the sun came out so I sat on the wall of Buckingham Palace and gave Ray a ring. These are some photos of the palace This one is of the palace with the gate open
This one is of the palace gates
And this one is of the Australia gate
I then walked to the Hard Rock Cafe. On the way I took this photo of Wellington Arch
A photo of The Hard Rock Cafe - London
A necklace I bought in the Rock Shop
I then took the Underground to St Paul's to have a look at the Museum of London. It was very interesting. Went way back to before Roman times. This photo is of a mural they were erecting in the foyer. It is made up of 6x4 photos printed on to thin tin sheets. It looks great.
By this time I had been walking around London for 5 hours so I caught the Underground to Waterloo and then caught the train home. Unfortunately Will was shooting when I arrive in Brookwood so I walked the half hour back to Bisley. I have definitely had my exercise today. It is raining now so I am glad I got home before I got caught in it. Thanks for dropping by Till tomorrow Cheers Julie

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