
Friday, July 13, 2012

A visit to Hampton Court Palace yesterday.

I spent the whole day there and I don't think I saw the whole thing. There was so much to see and very interesting. Everyone had there own audio guide and it gave you the full story of every area as you walked through it.

 This is the map that is at the front gate

A view of one of the vast gardens looking out the window of the first floor.

This photo is of the stained glass work in the ballroom

There were heaps of tapestries on the walls throughout the palace and the next two photos are of ceilings in the palace.

This one is painted on the ceiling

This one is either pressed tin or plaster, not sure which.

A day at Bisley today, laundry, shopping and relaxing etc.

Hope you are all having a great day
Thanks for dropping by
Till tomorrow

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