
Friday, December 28, 2012

Hi there.....Just a quick post to let you know that we had a great Christmas. Hope you all did too.

Cindy and Charli spent the night here Christmas Eve and Mum was here as well. Charli woke us all up at 6:06am so we opened our presents. I did very well in the present department I must admit.
At about 9ish we went to the street party that is held each christmas day by the residents of our street. It is a opportunity to catch up and see how everyone has made it through the year. Unfortunately one of our neighbours lost their 20 year old son in about October so it was not a happy time for them this Christmas.

Then we came home and had croissants for breakfast and a bit of a lazy sitting about with a glass of champagne or 2.

We packed a picnic lunch and headed over to Tusmore Park. It is a very large pretty park and has a wading pool in it. Charli put her bathers on and spent quite a bit of time in the pool while we had our lunch and a little more Champagne. It was absolutely beautiful there, the weather was perfect and just sitting in the sun with a nice drink, none of us wanted to leave but we were expecting visitors at Cindy's place at 2:30. Cindy sent them an sms and said we would not be there until 3:30 so we eventually had to move.

We spent the rest of the day until about 10:30pm at Cindy's place with friends and more food and drinks. A very pleasant and enjoyable day.

Mum and I have spent the last 3 days making and album to hold the photos I took at her 80th birthday party. I bought the directions from Kathy Orta on the internet and we started from scratch. It has taken us the full 3 days to make the album and it is still not finished. I think Mum is pretty happy with her's though and she plans on finishing it off during the heat wave that is due to hit Whyalla about Sunday for 3 or 4 days.

Mum flew home this afternoon and I have spent the night loading Photoshop CS6 onto my computer. It was my Christmas present from Cindy. So over the next week or so I will have a good look around it and see what is different than the previous version that I have been using.

Here are a few more photos from Mum's party
This one is Mum with her children

And this one is Mum with her grandchildren and great grandchildren

Any way I'm off to bed now.
Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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