
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So the beginning of a new year and as I turn 60 on Saturday, so the beginning of a new decade for me.
I thought I would take a photo of myself this morning and take one on new years eve at the end of the year and see how I have changed over the 12 months, so here is todays photo. God I hate photos of me, but what can you do!!!

Last night we put on a Rock and Roll show as a fundraiser for Deaf Can:Do. Ray, Sharyn and I have done this for about the last 5 years (except for last year when we all went to Sydney for NYE) We have a band and Ray does the DJ'ing in the breaks. It is a busy night for the three of us but people that comes always tells us how much they have enjoyed the night. Unfortunately the hall is up for sale so last night will be the last one we do.

I did not get a photo of either Ray, myself or Sharyn last night so I am going to have to ask others if they have a photo I can use. I really enjoyed the night though and the reason is the great friends that celebrated with us.

Wendy and Lindsay.

Carol and John.

We met both of the couples above when were started dancing lessons about 10 or so years ago and have been friends ever since

Jan and Frank. We were at Jan's birthday celebration on Sunday. It was a great day. She has a great garden and had about 60 people help her celebrate with bbq, singing and good company

Gay and Mick who travelled from Mildura and Eric came over from the Riverland

Anyway another great night spent with good friends

I have not set a new year's resolution this year. I usually do and I usually break them so this year I decided I will make some mini goals throughout the year, maybe one every couple of months and act on them straight away.

That's it for this post
Hope you all had a great NYE celebration and that 2013 brings all that you are hoping for
Till next time

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