
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Today is my birthday and I turn 60.
Funnily enough when I was younger 60 seemed soooo old but now that I am here it doesn't seem that old after all.
I am happy to have made it this far really, there are a lot of people who have not.
So far I have had a great, relaxing day. I have been the lucky recipient of three beautiful floral arrangements, the first delivered while I had a face mask on so I wonder what that poor delivery man thought.

This arrangement is from Mick and Gay.

This one is from Anne

And this one is from Debra and Frank

Tonight we are going to Grumpy's for tea. I just love it out there and now that the weather has improved it may even be nice sitting outside to eat and enjoy some of their own brews.

Tomorrow we are having a relaxed lunch with about 30 of our friends to celebrate.

I'm going to do some work on Charli's birthday banner now so
Till next time
Thanks for dropping by

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