
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Things are starting to settle down now after my birthday celebrations and Tuesday with Charli. I have got lots of photos to share today so get ready for a photo heavy post.

The celebrations actually began immediately I finished my last post and the front doorbell rang. When I answered the bell my Mother and 2 of my sisters were standing there. A complete surprise. We spent the afternoon having a foot massage and doing some shopping before heading out to Grumpy's at Verdun for dinner. I really appreciate the effort that they went to to get here. It was a long way to come for a small function but I am glad they came.

Sunday we had my party at the Adelaide Sailing Club. It was a lunchtime function and Ray supplied the music as most of us are dancers. I had a great time. Ray did such a great job of preparing everything. I can't believe how lucky I am to have such a great husband.

This is a photo of the table centres Ray chose. Very bright and colourful.

The birthday cake, once again chosen by Ray. Vanilla Strawberry Torte

Mum and my sister Helen

My sister Pam and Cindy. Cindy was helping Pam with her iPhone when I took this photo, so not the best shot of them.

 Carol, Charli, Wendy and I

After we finished at the Sailing Club we went to The Lighthouse Inn in Port Adelaide for some live music then back to our house for Chinese Takeaway for tea and some more drinks.
A great day.

On Tuesday we took Charli on the Port River Dolphin Cruise. She had not been on a boat before and was very excited. The Captain of the boat was kind enough to let her steer the boat for a minute.

Unfortunately we did not see a single dolphin.

Today I have been doing all sorts of odd jobs, just catching up.

That's it for this post
Till next time
Thanks for dropping by

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