
Monday, February 28, 2011

It arrived this new iMac.

I went to the dentist this morning, just for a descale and polish, and I have spent the rest of the day trying to work this computer out. Being used to a PC there are a few things that are taking a while to get used to. I have not yet worked out what the equivalent of My Computer/Explore is in mac and I am having trouble trying to put my photos in the correct folders. I know you use Finder but can't seem to be able to get the view I am after. Will have to get some assistance from a mac user, I am sure it is pretty simple.

I have got email and internet working and have loaded Photoshop CS5. I have transferred some photos from a USB and printed a document.

I have had enough now. The screen is 27" and with multifocal glasses I have had my head tilted back all day and my neck is stiff. I am going to go to the optician and get some plain reading glasses so I don't have to till my head back all the time.

Here are a couple of photos I took while we were in Victor Harbour. This one is of one of the horses that pull the carriage across to Granite Island

and this one is of a yakka on the side of the road on the way to Waitpinga Beach

Well with being away and the new computer arriving I have had no time for scrapbooking. I am going to try to do some on Wednesday night.

Till next time

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lots to tell you about today.

Thursday I went to work in the morning and then my TAFE course in the afternoon. We had Charli for the evening while Cindy & Dave went to a Fringe event.

Friday Ray & I went to Victor Harbour for a couple of nights. We rented a house and just went down there for a rest. The weather was a bit muggy but not too bad. We took Daisy because we are still nursing her leg, although I must say it is looking pretty good, she is walking on it properly and does not limp very often. We did very little but I did manage to buy a fur jacket for the Rock n Roll Ball we are going to in July. I tried on about 6 and by the time I had finished I was a ball of sweat.

I took some photos for my assignment while we were away. Went to Waitpinga Beach but could not get out of the car because we had Daisy with us and it is a National Park with no dogs allowed, so I missed that opportunity for photos

We came back this morning because I had a ticket to go to "Fawlty Towers", a fringe event, which started at 1pm. It was very entertaining and the 7 of us that went thoroughly enjoyed it. Afterwards we went to the Garden of Gluttony for a look and then to the Garden of Unearthly Delights.

I have had notification that my new iMac Computer has been shipped so I should have that about mid-week. Can't wait. Have got my new Photoshop program so I am all ready to go as soon as it arrives at my door.

Thanks for dropping by, and don't forget to leave me a message, I would love to hear from you

Till next time

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A normal day today, went into the city this morning with Ray and had a good look at the iMac 27" computer, a real thing of beauty. As I am a student at TAFE now I qualify for a student price. Wow I thought, but the savings was only $120, still that's $120 I can spend on something else. So I have ordered my new computer and I will get it late next week as I have upgraded the processor, the RAM and the hard drive and it will take 2-4 days to build then a few days for delivery right to my door. Cindy & Dave are buying me the latest version of Photoshop for my christmas & birthday present. I pick that up tomorrow and I will be all set.

Last night we watched a DVD call "Wild Hogs" what a laugh. Thanks Wendy.

We have got Charli staying with us tonight. Hope she doesn't wake up too early tomorrow, anytime from 7 will be OK as I am going to work in the morning before I go to TAFE and want to be at work by 8:30.

Daisy seems to be progressing nicely, she is putting more weight on her leg and seems to be in very high spirits. I am pretty sure we have avoided disaster on this occasion but we are still keeping a very close reign on her and not letting her run around or go for a walk.

I did this layout about a month ago. What would I scrapbook if I didn't have a grand-daughter!!!!!!

Thanks for looking

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I was at work for most of the day yesterday and when I got home I found that Daisy had hurt her leg again. She tore her cruciate ligament in her right rear leg 2 years ago and she had to have an operation to fix it and last night she was behaving exactly the same, she would not put any weight on it and we thought she had torn it again. The vet told us last time that because she is so tiny it was very difficult to do the op and Ray and I spent a very worried night last night wondering what would happen today. Luckily today she is putting weight on it, although we can see it is still tender, so we are keeping her very quiet and rested for the next couple of days to see if it may only be a sprain. We have certainly got our fingers crossed.

Charli is with us today and Ray and her are at Bee Boppers at the moment so I have a quite few minutes to do this blog entry,

I am going to buy a new iMac computer so if you have any comments or suggestions I would love to hear them.

Thanks for looking
Till next time
This is the layout I created for the Kaisercraft Saturday Sketch Challenge. I have used #1 Sketch for February, but have done a single page not a double. I have used Kaisercraft English Rose paper collection, Kaisercraft Self Adhesive Rhinestones, Kaisercraft "Pack Your Bags" clear stamps to create the tickets in the pocket. The chipboard is from Imaginarium

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oh dear.......a wasted day today. Last night we went to a fringe show at Deaf CanDo in South Tce called Good Golly Miss Molly, the band was Jump n Jive and Ray was the DJ. I had more champagne than was good for me and have not felt like doing much today.

Anyway a bit of an update. I went to my course on Thursday afternoon and I know I am going to enjoy it. As part of our first assignment we have to present 10 photos of statues, 10 photos of old or historic buildings and 10 photos of nature. Each photo has to be of a different subject. On Friday when it was raining I took 30 photos of the rain on some of the plants in our garden. This is one of them

and then on Saturday I took 161 photos as I walked along the Torrens.

I was going to do some scrapbooking today but not feeling all that creative at the moment and I will be at work all day tomorrow so Tuesday night is the next chance to scrapbook.

I know I have been a bit slack with  my blogging but I will pick up the pace a bit from now on.

Thanks for looking and if you know how, don't forget to leave me a message, I would love to hear from you


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I am very happy today, I have just been advised that I can attend TAFE and do a course in Photoshop. I have done several courses at WEA on Photoshop but did not have the program at home so did not get a lot of benefit from them. I do of course have the notes but making myself do something like that at home is just about impossible, I need the routine and structure that comes with a course. I have got the program now and am looking forward to starting tomorrow.

I ordered a poster print 50cm x 60cm of the photo below and it arrived yesterday

so all I need to do now is get a frame for it and mount it on the wall in the lounge room under this photo which is a poster print the same size

Thanks for looking
Love to hear from you so leave a comment for me

Monday, February 14, 2011

A few layout to share.

The heart background paper in this next layout has machine stitched pin-tucks over the whole piece

The photo's are of our daughter

Thanks for looking

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I have been busy with my camera and new tri-pod so have some photos to share.
This photo is of the layout I did yesterday in Heather Jacobs class at Seriously Scrapbooking. I love it.

and this one is of the card we made in the same class

This photo is of the chipboard I won at Imaginarium. Wow!!  I will have lots of fun using all of this. As I use it I will post the layouts for you to see.

I was not happy with my Sweet Memories layout so I moved the flowers around. This is what it looks like now

and a close-up of the flowers

and my last photo for today is a shirt I made at sewing.

Thanks for looking and don't forget to leave me a comment, I would love to hear from you


Friday, February 11, 2011

It's Friday night and I was sitting in front of the TV watching Home and Away (yes I know) with a glass of champagne because I had decided I did not want to go out tonight. Ray is DJ'ing at Legends Rock and Roll Club and I have been at work all day and I just did not want to make the effort to shower, change etc. It started me thinking about Friday nights. When I was young and just started work I would live for Friday nights, the working week was over and the weekend loomed to spend with friends, relaxing, doing all sorts of new things, keeping an eye out for that someone special - great. Then I got married and had Cindy and spent many friday nights at home looking after "house and home". Not missing friday nights because life was very busy and we were working towards our future. Then we moved to Port Lincoln and Friday nights became important again because it meant the end of a long hard week at work in our own business and I looked forward to Friday nights when we would go to The Boston Hotel and have dinner and a few drinks and catch up with family and friends, many a Saturday morning was spent at work with a very sore head. Then we travelled around Australia for 2 years and every night was a "Friday " night. We met so many new people and had so many interesting times. After we settled in Adelaide we decided to learn to Rock and Roll. That was the start of going out every Friday night again, we would seek out new bands and made new friends and had 3 or 4 Friday nights in every week. We have been dancing now for about 7 years so that is a lot of "Friday " nights, which brings me to tonight. I am soooo lucky.

This layout uses a photo of Ray & I at a Rock and Roll function in Berri

I am off to a scrapbooking class with Heather Jacobs tomorrow...can't wait

Thanks for looking

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yesterday we spent the day with Charli. Took her to Bee Boppers in the morning and then after her sleep just spent time with her, teaching her how to ride her bike and playing.
Today I spent a little bit of time on my Book Of Me page that I have not finished from last month but did not get very far with it.
Cindy went to help one of her friends out this afternoon so Ray & I looked after Charli for a few hours, more bike riding, she seems to have taken to it with a vengance. She fell of it a week ago and decided that she did not want a bike anymore but she has changed her mind now.
Ray is DJ'ing at the Anzano Club tonight so thought I would get a bit more scrapbooking done but have spent the night on the telephone and internet. Ahh well that's life

Thanks for looking

Monday, February 7, 2011

I saw a post like this at Happydaks and thought it was a great idea, so I hope you don't mind that I am using it Nat.

outside my is pitch black
i am thinking...... it is just about time to go and watch Brothers & Sisters
i am thankful for ...getting plenty done at work today
i am work clothes
i am going to....enjoy getting into bed tonight
i am currently reading... The Girl Who Played With Fire by Steg Larsen
i am hoping....the weather will stay nice for a while
on my mind...taking some photos of a layout I have changed
from the kitchen...a glass of diet coke
around the house...Ray is watching TV with Daisy next to him
one of my favourite e-reader
a few plans for the rest of the week...spend the day with Charli tomorrow,
sewing on thursday, scrapbooking class on Saturday
one picture to share...Daisy

Thanks for looking

Sunday, February 6, 2011

WOW How lucky am I, have have won the draw at Imaginarium for a bag of chipboard goodies.
Can't wait to see what is in the bag.

We went and watched Charli doing her swimming lessons this morning, she can swim 10mtrs without her floaties now. Then we went to Jetty Rd in Brighton and had breakfast with Cindy, Dave & Charli. A pleasant way to spend the morning.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Today I have not done anything all day. I took Daisy (dog) for a walk this morning, have done 3 loads of washing and had a walk on my treadmill. Just feeling soooooo lazy. I worked all day Wednesday and Friday and went to sewing on Thursday so have been keeping myself busy. I have spent too many hours on the computer looking at accommodation on Kangaroo Island as we are thinking of going over there later this month for a few days. Still haven't picked anywhere to stay.
Thought I would share another of my layouts

These layouts are of Forth River in Tasmania from the album I did of our holiday there

Thanks for looking and I appreciate your comments