
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday night and time to catch up with a few things.

My Photo a Day photos for the last few days

Day 26 - Colour. I bought these statues in Port Lincoln when we lived there and I have never got tired of them.

Day 27 - Lunch. A beautiful big mango.... delicious

Day 28 - Light. Mum gave me this light for christmas about 10 years ago. It is one of my favourite things.

Day 29 - Inside my fridge. A container of salad. Yummo.

Day 30 - Nature. I love the colour of these bushes that grow in our backyard. I see them when I look out of the dining room window and when I am standing at the sink. Bright and cheerful.

Day 30 also. I just snapped this as I was walking in from outside this afternoon. The clear sky from our backyard

Day 31. Me - again.

I know I am a bit early but I thought I would post these pictures now while I was in the swing.

Thanks for looking
Till next time

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Here with a couple of Photo a Day photos

Day 24 - Guilty Pleasure.  I blame my daughter completely for this. She came around to visit one day and had one of these with her. She decided she did not like it much so I said I would try it. And so began my addiction to...

Day 25 - Something you made. Because I show most of my scrapbooking and cardmaking on this blog I thought I would photograph something that I have made that is not related to papercrafts. About 5 or 6 years ago I did some Quilting. I made about 5 or 6 quilts and then stopped because I had no use for the finished items. This quilt however has found a home on Charli's bed at our house. The pillowcase is made from the same fabric as the quilt.

and a closeup of the fabrics.

A bit more pleasant here today weather wise. Still quite warm but there is a cooling breeze so it does not feel as hot as yesterday. I have been doing my bits of running around. Ray took the car for a service this morning then went out for lunch with his friends, it's a boys only thing.

Got some great photos of Charli's birthday party printed at Officeworks today, I can't believe how inexpensive it is to get photos printed there, so it's off to plan a new page for me.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today is Charli's actual birthday. We had her overnight last night because Cindy has Uni on Monday nights now so we have Charli and keep her overnight ready to spend the day with her on Tuesday's. I must say the 6am starts are going to take a bit of getting used to but I am sure we can manage it!!!!

Anyway today we were very lucky that we got to wake up with her on her actual birthday. We bought her a new bike and a fairy story book.

After a bit of adjustment

She was off and running, or should I say Ray was running. Even though it was pretty hot here today Ray and Charli spent a considerable amount of time riding/running up and down our street to try out the new wheels. Both the bike and the book were a big hit.

This evening Ray, Charli, Cindy, Dave and I went to  LaVita on Grange Road for dinner as a final birthday celebration. A very pleasant meal.

I have not had the opportunity to take any photo a day photo's today so will be back with them later in the week.

Thanks for dropping by.
Till next time

Monday, January 23, 2012

A very busy weekend here. Friday night we went to the Legends Rock n Roll Club's new premises at Hectorville. It is a fair hike from here but we thought we would go and have a look. The hall is nice, a little on the small side but that will probably be alright. The floor was good. The band was a band we had not heard before called Dead Lucky and I enjoyed them.

Saturday we went to the Tanunda Hot Rod Show and Street Party. It was very hot and unpleasant while the sun was up but later in the afternoon/evening when it cooled down it was very pleasant. The band playing on the hotel footpath was The Silverados, I like listening to them even though they do not play many numbers that we like to dance to. Our next door neighbour was having a party to celebrate a 50th birthday so when we got home we went to that for a while.

Sunday we were up early as it was Charli's 4th birthday party and we had told Cindy we would come around early and help her set up for it. Cindy organised for a fairy to come and entertain the children during the party and they all loved it. They had face painting, stories, treasure hunts and all sorts of fun.

The birthday girl with Fairy Sprinkles

The theme for the party was butterflies. A butterfly birthday cake. Iced by Dave

Butterfly cupcakes. Iced by Cindy.

The very happy birthday girl

Now to the photo a day challenge

Day 18 - Something you bought - My iMac computer. It is one of the best things I have bought for myself.

Day 19 - Sweet. These butterfly cakes are so sweet.

Day 20 Someone you love - This photo says it all.

Day 21 - Reflections - This photo of our garden at Hahndorf and similar photos cause me to reflect on my life and where it has taken me and wonder where the future will take my daughter and grand-daughter. I can only hope that life is as kind to them as it has been to me.

Day 22 - Your shoes. With the weather being so hot here in Adelaide over the last week the only sensible footwear is a pair of thongs.

Day 23 - Something Old. This silver jewellery box was a present from my paternal grandfather to my grandmother on their engagement. It sits on my dressing table.

A very long post and if you have made it this far, thank you for staying with me.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Friday, January 20, 2012

I know, 2 post in one day!!!!

Just a quick one to share a layout I have done for the Kaisercraft monthly sketch challenge.

I have used Sketch #1 for January and am very happy with the results.

Thanks for looking
Till next time

It has been a long time between posts but I am back now. I think I got lost somewhere for the past week but I have got some photo a day shots to share with you today for days 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. I will catch up with the rest over the next couple of days.  So here we go

Day 13 - In your bag. I do not generally use a hand bag. When I head out the door I usually only have my purse and my phone

Day 14 - Something you are reading. I have always got Scrapbooking magazines half read laying around and I am lost if I haven't got a novel to read on my e-reader.

Day 15 Happiness - Ray, Daisy and I at Noosa. Ahhh so hard to take.

Day 16 - Morning. This photo was taken at sunrise while we were going up in a hot air balloon in the Barossa. Such a magic moment. So peaceful.

Day 17 - Water. I love waterfalls. This photo was taken while we were in Tasmania. When we go on holidays we do a lot of walking and try to incorporate as many waterfalls and rain-forests as we can in our travels

That is enough for today. Will be back soon with some more.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Friday, January 13, 2012

Have had to put my photo a day on hold as I am out of town for a few days and did not bring the cable that connects my camera to the computer with me.

I will have catchup photos when I get back.

Spending a few days relaxing and enjoying the company of my Mum.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A photo a day today is where you sleep. Quite a coincidence that today is the day I am changing where I sleep.
This is where I slept for the past 7 years, a comfortable spacious room

with an ensuite

and a walk in robe attached

but starting tonight we will be sleeping here, in the spare room

Since we moved into this house there has been a vacant block next to us but this morning the major work has started on building a new house on part of that block. The foundations were poured before Christmas but now the workers are going to be there every day starting at 7:30am. Our bedroom is at the front of the house and so will be very noisy when the workers start in the mornings. We are not used to getting up at that time of the day so we have decided to sleep in the spare room which is at the back of the house and see if it is less noisy. I guess that if we are still woken early that will mean we have to go to bed earlier at night. Ahh well just have to wait and see how we go.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My photo a day for today is childhood.

This photo is of me, and two of my sisters. I would guess that I am about three years old here. I am the one on the left of the photo. Sooo cute.

Thanks for looking
Till next time

As I said in an earlier post I am entering a competition over at My Creative Sketches and I have to post the three layouts I have created in one post so here we go. 
The prize is a 3 month subscription to their kit club. It looks great and I have got my fingers crossed that I might be the lucky winner.

I will be back later today with my photo a day post.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Here we go, my photo a day for today. It is of a "daily routine" and shows my routine when I get out of the shower each day.

Also thought I would share some photos of the card I made for our friends 65th birthday

and the inside. Made so we could put a voucher in it. I saw a similar idea on YouTube, and I have modified it slightly, but I am sorry I cannot remember who did the original version.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Dear me, what happened to yesterday. We went to the Legends Rock n Roll Club members bbq at St Clair. Ray was DJ'ing and I was just socialising, When we had finished there we went to Ales & Sail to see Invasion but they were not there so we drove around to the Port Dock Brewery Hotel just in time to see them packing up. Ah well never mind.

After dinner we watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movie that I had recorded from Saturday night on SBS One. I have read the trilogy of books and I enjoyed the movie.

As I did not post my photo a day yesterday I am going to post 2.

This one is of my sky on new years eve in Sydney

and this one is looking up at the sky through the trees on Saturday at our friends birthday celebration just before the rain started and we got washed out.

I will be back later today with my daily routine photo

Thanks for looking

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7 of a photo a day

One of my favourite things during the Christmas period is the Christmas Tree
(One of my least favourite things is taking it down which is what I am doing today)

I am feeling so lazy today I am really going to have to push myself to dismantle the Christmas tree.

One of our friends is having her 65th birthday celebration this afternoon so I am looking forward to going to that and catching up with lots of friends that we have not seen since before Christmas. I hope the rain is kind to us as I think it is an outdoor function.

Thanks for dropping by
Till tomorrow

Friday, January 6, 2012

As I said last night I want to do the photo a day challenge here

 These are my catchup photos. Today being the 6th there are 6 photos.

Day 1 Me
(In the kitchen this morning)

Day 2 Breakfast
(Don't eat anything for breakfast just a cup of tea)

Day 3 Something I adore
(Our beautiful little dog Daisy)

Day 4 Letterbox

Day 5  Something I wore
(My new glasses)

Day 6  Makes me smile
(Every time I think of this little girl I get a smile on my face)

So now I have caught up. It wasn't hard.

Thanks for looking
Till tomorrow with a photo of favourite